Donald Bowen - Online Memorial Website

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Donald Bowen
Born in Indiana
51 years
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Ludovic Poitou

Eilene and Girls, My deepest sympathies at your loss. I have had the pleasure to work with Don and to get to know more of his personal life during my single visit to Peoria. Don has been an inspiration both professionally and personally, and will continue to be. I so wish I could attend his service but I will not be able to because of a prior commitment and being too far away. My thoughts will be with you on that day.



Sue Bowen DeRoos
I have so many memories of Don as he was someone I've known since the day I was born!  We grew up together and even once ran away from home when we were supposed to be taking a nap to hide behind the neighbors tree - only to be found and of course...take a nap.  We had great parties when we were in high school and used to get to stay up late together and watch some of Dad's old favorite movies (Some Like it Hot; The Flim Flam Man and so many more).  Having Don for a brother has been a gift and no words can express how deeply I loved him and how much I miss him!  Simply greatful to have had the pleasure of being his sister!  Until we are together again...
kris/herb edwards
Donnie was a clone of his Dad. Look at those eyes and hairline! They both had minds that never ceased to search out ways of doing the same thing in a different way. Then along came all those sisters! And finally a brother. There was a gang of boys in church who, at times could on occassion not be found. OK, what had they thought up this time? But Don was found, looking so innocent. To this day I will never know if he was innocent, or just smart enough to not get caught. To the entire Bowen family. God created that bunch, and He had a plan. Eventually that plan came into fruition. The mark left on my heart will remain forever. How proud so many "friends" in Macomb became part of the Bowen family. Bowens, thank you for sharing Don. We know God will hold you all in the palm of His Hands.
The Inman Family

Eileen and Girls- Bob and Andrea, Steve, Sue, Anita, Barb, Julia----

Although Don and I had drifted apart since our high school days in Macomb, seeing his WONDERFUL smile in these pictures, brings back so many WONDERFUL memories---I have read his blog. seen his youtube video of 10/11/09 and realize now, more than ever, he was a truly amazing person. I know that he is now in the best place he could possibly be and am confident he will be watching over you and patiently waiting until we are all united with him again. Our family extends to you all our heartfelt sympathy and be assured of our continued prayers for you!! 


Mike, Melissa, WIlliam, Madeline, Gabriel and AnnAstasia Inman 

Pam (Wiggins) Szewczyk

To Don's Family - I'm so sorry for your loss.  I went to high school with Don and although we didn't run in the same circles at that time we re-connected through Facebook.  I was on his mailing list and I was privileged to have known him; his faith and courage were an inspiration to many.  Again my condolences to all of you.

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